Innovating together for the sustainable cocoa of the future

Our goals


Cacao Forest aims to create the sustainable cocoa of the future. Through agroforestry – growing cocoa trees alongside other types of tree – we hope to create innovative agricultural models that will increase the quality and productivity of the cocoa trees, improve farmers’ livelihoods and protect the environment.


To truly change the way cocoa is grown and to have a positive impact on farmers’ lives and the environment, we are working together with people all along the value chain, from producers and researchers, to NGOs, private companies and customers. Together we are innovating together for the sustainable cocoa cultivation of tomorrow.

The project’s key missions

To monitor how its work is progressing, the people in charge of the Cacao Forest project have set out five Key Missions

Each Mission is broken down into goals and performance indicators are used to assess whether these goals are being met.

Supporting and consolidating the REP

Improving agroforestry knowledge and skills

Valoriser la commercialisation des produits associés au cacao

Contribuer à une nouvelle vision de la culture du cacao

Communiquer les réalisations du projet

Last news from the field

Our focus is on the long-term future of cocoa

Our project in Dominican Republic


Cacao Forest aims to create innovative ways for sustainable cocoa farming in the Dominican Republic, which is the leading global exporter of certified organic cocoa at this date.

Our vision

Driven by a wide variety of players, Cacao Forest’s vision is to innovate for sustainable cocoa cultivation.

Améliorer la résilience des communautés rurales

Improve the resilience of rural communities

diversifier les revenus des producteurs

Diversify producers' incomes

Protéger l'environnement

Protect the environment

Accroître la productivité de l'exploitation

Increase farm productivity

Innover ensemble pour la cacaoculture de demain

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